
I realized last week that we’ve been slowly chipping away at small house projects (during weekend naptimes if you must know!) but it’s been a while since I posted any house pictures because let’s be honest this face is a much cuter subject.


So here it goes…

Previous pictures of these space can be seen here and here.

I applied a can of heat resistant spray paint to rid the fireplace exterior of the outdated gold and reorganized the bookshelves for balance.

IMG_5322We’ve added a light fixture and other accessories to our foyer. Since we don’t have a garage, style, functionality, and organization are all super important in this space.

IMG_5299We painted and reorganized “my office” and are now using all four bedrooms. We’ve got the master bedroom, the guest bedroom, my office and Alex’s office.

I’m excited my scholarly, eclectic, collector of a husband has his own space to retreat to.


I’ve also modernized our master bath with some vanity stain, a new blind, and a coat of paint. We removed the weird hamper drawer and installed a shelf that is currently holding towels and books for little J.


The family room {not all that much of an update actually} but this is it in it’s natural state. It’s one of little J’s main play spaces so we hid all the cords for the TV and made it a little kid friendlier.


And last but not least, here’s our sunroom/game room. Post-daylight savings time we’ve been having family dinners out here and soaking in the sunshine.


We’ve still got our pink bathroom to tackle but for now it’s working for what we need it to work for so we’ve decided to leave it. Besides it’s springtime and we’re itching to spend our weekends outside now that the inside is so close to where we want it to be.

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